What are different types of eczema on skin?

Eczema medical term that often used to describe a skin condition. This skin condition can be either a form of dermatitis or inflammation of the epidermis. The epidermis, which is the outermost layer of skin, is considered to be the most important. Eczema on skin can be described as a chronic skin condition that results in dry skin and skin rashes.
Symptoms of eczema on skin are skin redness, inflammation, itching, skin flaking, skin crusting, flaking, skin blisters or cracking, bleeding or oozing, and skin redness.
Eczema sufferers may experience minor skin discolorations. Skin discolorations usually caused by breakouts that attempt to heal. Although scarring is uncommon in mild cases, it can happen. Scarring most often occurs in severe cases. Psoriasis is often mistakenly confused with eczema. But unlike psoriasis, it is more likely to occur on the flexor points of joints.
Different Types of Eczema on Skin
Eczema represents a broad set of symptoms. Yet, there are different types of Eczema. Eczema can be classified based on where the breakout occurs. Individuals suffering from Eczema breakouts on their hands are referred to as having “hand Eczema”. Physical appearance can also used to classify eczema outbreaks. Here are different types of eczema on the skin.
Atopic Eczema
Atopic Eczema can also be called infantile, flexible, or atopic dermatitis.
This type of eczema can be described as an allergic condition that is thought to be caused by a genetic trait. Atopic Eczema can be common among people whose family has hay fever or asthma. Atopic dermatitis most common cause severe itching on the skin, including the scalp, neck, elbows, and bend of the knees.
Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is the second type of Eczema on the skin. Types of contact dermatitis are:
- Allergic
- irritant
Allergy contact dermatitis usually caused by a delayed reaction to an allergen. It can also caused by a reaction to soap or another type of soap.
About three-quarters of all cases of contact Eczema caused by irritation. Contact dermatitis today is the most common skin condition.
Contact Eczema on skin can treated by avoiding contact with the object that causes it. Eczema on skin usually disappears if the object causing it removed from the individual’s contact.
Xerotic Eczema,
This is the third type of Eczema. It also called asteatotic, craquele or winters itch.
Xerotic refers to a severe case of dry skin. It occurs when the dry skin becomes so severe that it causes severe breakouts. Cold winters can make this condition more severe. When someone suffers from Xerotic Eczema, their arms, legs, and core area most frequently affected.
Seborrhoeic Eczema
Seborrhoeic or Seborrheic Dermatitis is the fourth type of Eczema. This type of Eczema affects infants and known as cradle caps. This Eczema type often linked to dandruff.
Seborrhoeic Eczema can cause a person to have a greasy scalp, flaking of the scalp, flaking of the eyebrows, and peeling of their trunk. This kind of Eczema can be harmless, except when it occurs in infants and causes severe cradle caps.
Dyshidrotic Eczema (Dyshidrosis)
Eczema most commonly occurs in those types. These are the most common types. Although there are many types of Eczema, these are the most common. Dyshidrosis, which affects the palms, fingers, and toes, is a less common type of Eczema.
Discoid Eczema
Nummular or discoid dermatitis a chronic skin condition characterized by itchy, swollen, and cracked skin patches in circular or oval shapes. It is possible for discoid eczema to persist for weeks or even years without treatment.
Venous Eczema
It typically caused by an increase in pressure in the leg veins. Whenever the vein’s small valves fail to work properly, blood is unable to move against gravity and leaks backward.
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Dietary gluten causes gluten-sensitive enteropathy, commonly known as celiac disease, which causes chronic, intensely itchy, blistering skin conditions. About 10 percent of celiac disease patients develop DH.
Neurodermatitis Eczema
An itchy form of neurodermatitis eczema begins with a rash. The person usually develops one or two itchy patches. The condition also known as chronic lichen simplex.
“Autoeczematization” a disseminated eczematous reaction that develops as a result of the release of antigen(s) in response to a primary stimulus, in which eczema spread to an inappropriate site.
The Takeaway
An individual can do a variety of things to prevent an Eczema flare. Eczema can be prevented by avoiding harsh soaps, detergents, chemicals, and powders. To moisturize your skin, buy moisturizing soap.
Make sure you wear rubber gloves whenever you use harsh chemicals to clean so as to avoid exposing your skin to the chemicals. Stay away from extreme temperatures, dry air, and clothing that irritates your skin.